Monday, July 10, 2006

With neighbors like these...

So, we have a little war going on with our neoghbors, Joe and Emily. Our weapon? A rather sizeable orange cone. It all started while they were on vacation. Somehow this orange cone appeared in front of their van. It stayed there for a few days after they returned, We joked about it and one night put it on the roof of their van. Joe shimmied up and got it off. We all laughed about it and apparently war was waged. Joe laid low for awhile, Mike and I joked that he must be plotting something good. We thought maybe we would wake up some morning with the cone lying in bed between us. We were close.... I got home from the pool one day last week and found this......

This picture doesn't do justice to just how steep the pitch of our roof is. I believe Joe may have risked life and limb for retaliation definitely raised the bar. Now the question is what do we do in return?

If you have any suggestions e-mail them to me. Joe and Emily read this, and I don't want them to see what's coming.


WRBA - Class of 96 said...

Those silly neighbors. Mail it back to them COD. :-)

Verna said...

Hi, Friend of Bilbys here,
Would you be able to sneak it in their hows and put it in the master bathroom toilet???

Verna said...

I will email you. Friend of BIlbys.

sara h. said...

oh yeah, my e-mail address is